Stocks to watch: Rel Comm, Bharti

Investment Advisor, PN Vijay is of the view that buy Bharti Airtel, Reliance Communications on declines.
Vijay told CNBC-TV18, "Bharti Airtel and Reliance Communications are buyers at every decline and the type of growth rates and the product offerings there and gelling out continuously, I think they are very great stories. The others I am not so sure because there are many issues that are involved in MTNL, VSNL, surely and the Tata Tele ofcourse it has a nice run which is nice but not enough to go buy, I would really stick to the good old Bharti and Reliance Communications and buy them on every decline."
RCOM : Trend & Volume
Source : moneycontrol
Wanted to share and get your insight into this situation:
I bought RIL 1410 call option [when cash price was 1375] at 29.65 [amt invested: 29.65*300=10,000]. On 15th Feb when RIL was for sometime on 1411 the 1410 call option was trading at only 20/-.
Now I need to undersand:
1.RIL at cash/delivery is at 1430 BUT call option price does not reach near 1410 - Why and How of this?
2.Thesis one may not always profit from buying Call option, even if the STOCK achieves the desired cash/delivery price.
3. Why should one trade in Call option instead of Futures.
Await some feedback.
Sachin Katariya
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